Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cinderella's Carriage

Remember the Disney-themed explosion box I created for a friend for Christmas? Well, she liked it. She really, really liked it! She like it so much, that she wondered if I could create something special for her granddaughter who has a birthday this month. 

The gift for her is an annual pass MagicBand which I'm told is princess-themed, so how could I pass up the opportunity to create a carriage worthy of such a gift!  I just knew this was my chance to make the Pumpkin Carriage from SVGCuts Enchanted Autumn kit. 

Her grandmother and I poked around online searching for inspiration. We found this picture on Pinterest and both fell in love with it.  Hats off to whoever created that - it is SO beautiful! I even copied the 'stardust' on the vellum window!

I personalized it a bit by adding a name to the door with an embossed and then bejeweled crown (of course!) and used some Ranger alcohol ink to dye the clear heart gem stickers to match.  Since her birthday is close to Valentine's Day, you can't go wrong with hearts!  

I had lots of fun putting this together and really appreciate that such an elegant and intricate-looking project was really very simple to do.  I believe the soon-to-be four year old recipient is going to love it too!  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Just found your blog through a Facebook post. Love your creations and the carriage is spectacular!!!

  2. Thanks so much for your sweet comment Linda! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and can't wait to hear what the recipient thinks. I love that paper and glue can become something magical like this.

  3. Can you tell me how I can get this file? I would love to make one of these.

  4. come by your site because of pinterest, love your creations. i would love to make this.

  5. I would love to know how to make these. My niece has a quinceañera next year and this is her theme.

  6. Or if you can make them I will say you for them

  7. LOVE where did you get the paper for the wheels?
